[Press Release] “Social Change English 1st” Inquiry Learning program in English now being offered overseas and free of charge for a limited time
Learning materials for “Social Change English 1st”, a trial version of the “Social Change English” developed by Educa & Quest Inc. as part of its “Quest Education” Inquiry Learning program, are now being offered free of charge for a limited time to schools both in Japan and overseas.
Educa & Quest Inc. has begun offering the Inquiry Learning program “Social Change English 1st” to schools around the world. This program will also be offered free of charge this year in order to provide learning opportunities to children whose education has been disrupted as a result of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.

The ongoing pandemic has transformed many aspects of life around the world. In countries everywhere, there is growing concern about the impact not only on the economy, but also on the field of education, where online learning is being expanded alongside a variety of other new strategies.
Since its founding, Educa & Quest Inc. has developed Inquiry Learning programs designed to connect the classroom to the real world and awaken children to their own unique qualities.
In order to create new learning opportunities for children around the world amid this unprecedented situation, Educa & Quest Inc. is offering a trial version of its “Quest Education” Inquiry Learning program in English, “Social Change English 1st”, free of charge for a limited time.
The Inquiry Learning program “Social Change English 1st” is being offered to schools around the world beginning as of August 1. All teaching materials for “Social Change English 1st” will be provided free of charge this year in light of the educational challenges facing children during the pandemic.
In addition to the regular “Social Change English 1st” curriculum, a “BY MYSELF” version that allows children without an Internet connection to work on their own at home is also provided.
This initiative will leverage the Teach For All alumni network, which connects educators in 54 countries around the world. These learning materials can bring together children around the world, providing global learning experiences that go beyond the borders of countries, regions, and cultures.
[About Teach For All, an educational network operating in 54 countries around the world]
Teach For All is a global network of educators in 54 countries, where partner organizations are hard at work addressing global educational challenges. Teach For Japan is the Japanese partner organization. Educa & Quest’s school coordinator, Tae Okamoto, has been selected as a Teach for All Network Connector from among 190 applicants from all over the world and will be involved in international initiatives until the summer of 2021 (tentative). “Social Change English 1st” will be distributed worldwide through this global alumni network.
*A Network Connector is a volunteer member who aims to create new connections among Teach For All educators from diverse backgrounds, as well as learning opportunities across national borders.
▼Teach For All
▼Teach For All (English site)
▼Teach For All Network Connectors(P.9)
▼Teach For Japan
◆ Profile of Tae Okamoto

Born in Osaka Prefecture in 1988. After working as a teacher and experiencing the power of education, Tae studied English in the United States in order to be able to communicate with educators from around the world. From 2017, she worked at a junior high school in Fukuoka Prefecture as a Teach For Japan Fellow, and joined Educa & Quest Inc. in April 2019.
She works as a school coordinator supporting the implementation of Quest Education Inquiry Learning programs, and was the field coordinator for the Quest Career in Hanoi program held in Hanoi, Vietnam in November 2019. She is currently working as a leader of the Quest World Project to connect children around the world.
About “Social Change English 1st”

“Social Change English 1st” is a trial Inquiry Learning program in which students use English to address familiar challenges. Teams work in English on school-related challenges such as “how to have the best graduation ceremony ever” and “how to get our school to achieve a Guinness World Record”.
In three classes of 50 minutes each, students come up with ideas with their class friends, make a plan, and give a presentation. By thinking, discussing and presenting in English, students develop the ability to share their opinions to the world.
This is a trial Inquiry Learning program in English and is recommended for classrooms that want to try an active learning experience in English.
▼ Contents provided free of charge
■ Normal version
・Social Change English 1st Workbook
・Teaching Guide
・Handouts (Presentation Worksheets 1, 2 & 3)
・Handout (Presentation Evaluation Sheet)
■ BY MYSELF version
1.Information on using social-change-english-first-by-myself_Educa&Quest.pdf
2.Handbook_social-change-english-first-by-myself_Educa&Quest .pdf
3.Worksheet_social-change-english-first-by-myself_Educa&Quest .pdf
▼ Click here for details
“Social Change English 1st”
Free period
June 1, 2020 until February 28, 2021 (Japan Standard Time)
*Please submit an application by February 22, 2021.
*Classes cannot be conducted outside of the free period.
Inquiries and applications
*Please agree to the Terms of Use before applying.
*The self-guided “BY MYSELF” version will be provided to everyone who applies for “Social Change English 1st”.
What is Quest Education?
Quest Education is an Inquiry Learning program launched in 2005 to cultivate life skills through real-world experiences. Students work on missions from real companies, confront social issues, and develop products from scratch. The program offers real-world learning in the classroom. In 2017, Quest Education received the first Good Design Award for an educational curriculum for junior high and high schools. During the 2020 school year (as of April 2020), approximately 34,000 students at 195 schools in 32 prefectures across Japan are engaged in Quest Education, joining more than 220,000 students who have already experienced the program.
Details: https://eduq.jp/global/services/quest.html