Quest yourself,
Insight yourself, and
Bright yourself.
Then you can stand on your own two feet in this world.
We, Educa & Quest Inc., support all learners
to be a future leader who can think critically,
solve problems creatively, innovate,
collaborate, and communicate in this world.
Miyaji Kanji
Chief Executive Officer, Educa & Quest Inc.
Representative Director, Teachers Initiative.
Born in Nagasaki, Japan in 1963. Graduated from Rikkyo University in 1988 with a degree in sociology, and joined Nikkei Inc. (Japanese newspaper) in the same year. In 2002, he established the Education Development Office within Nikkei Inc. based on his own idea, and has been engaged in the development of educational materials utilizing newspaper resources. In November 2004, he established Educa & Quest Inc. He created "Quest Education," an active learning inquiry-based learning program, and provided it to junior high and high schools nationwide.
In 2015, he established the general incorporated association “Teachers Initiative” and became its representative director.
Educa&Quest supports to the implementation of SDGs Target Goal 4:Quality Education